
The reason why I want to create Gourd Market

*This is translation of Kengo Yoshida's post from kengoma.com.
Gourd Market is his suspended project because of Covid-19, but it's still worth knowing and spreading :D
After reading this, you'll find such a lively and fun way to get out of the world at dead end.
If we have energy and synergy, it's not desparate effort at all! :D

This civilization will die.
Me and my people will survive.
Because we know we will perish.
Because we prepare before we perish.

It's materially, physically, spiritually and environmentally collapse.
Material and environment can be destroyed by natural and man-made disasters.
But we can still protect our body and spirit❗️

I imagine a new market.
By imagining, everything can be solved.

We cannot live alone.
We have to be connected by trust❗️
Absolutely we do.
Everything cannot be the same anymore at all.
Somewhere along the way, from over 3,000 years ago to the present day, things went wrong.
The way of economy, energy, food, clothing, housing, medic, education, politics all went wrong.
Human has become selfish and preoccupied with making money.
Sustaining this way became no longer possible.

Some people have already realized this.
But do they really believe that we might be going to die?
I'm quite doubtful.
I️'m really going to build a market because we are really going to perish‼
Can we survive if only we have food and water❓
Chickens and pigs can live in cages if the conditions are right.
But humans can't.
In a village in Africa, it is said that "a village that stops playing music is a dead village."
They say that the most important necessities of life is clothing.
Clothing is not for protection from the cold, but for pleasure, for decoration.
Even today, in the remote parts of the world, the indigenous people who live the old way of life wear fancy ornaments.
We've never forgotten that.
Do the people of today, who are so busy with their daily lives that they only go to work and home, enjoy music and decoration❓
What is "living truly" in our memory❓❓
I belive it's pleasure.

The time of "me and you together!!" will come.
Because we can't live alone.

That's why we want to create a new market.
Life is "Living Lively".
Gourd Market is about "Live".
"Living" is its theme.

Let me talk about foreign and domestic currency at one-tenth rate.
What would happen if prices were one-tenth in the "Gourd Market"❓
People would rush to the market and all the article would be sold out immediately.
Because safe and secure food and daily necessities are all here.
Customers from outside will be buying up everything, deals close everywhere in a flash, cuz they can get their hands on at one-tenth the price.
They'll come from all over the country, all over the world to stock up.
And you'll have a lot of small change, even if you think you've made a profit, it's only a tenth of what they pay outside.
So the "Gourd Market" people barter goods or buy them by domestic currency before the market opens.
You sell the leftovers to customers for a tenth of the price.
At the same time exchange works within "Gourd Market".
If you don't have enough goods to survive in "Gourd Market", you have to buy outside.
Buying outside is 10 times more expensive than inside❗️
But don't forget, it's a dying world out there.
The Gourd Market is built to keep living in the first place❗️
It needs to be established as soon as possible❗️
The birth pains won't last forever.
We need to create them all at once❗️
The "limits of capitalist economic growth" have been known for decades.
We have to somehow overcome the dilemma hard to get out of.
It's only a matter of time❗️
Foreign currencies collapse and "Gourd Market" has a domestic currency.
Domestic currency is convenient, barter is also convenient.
And this is where you think gift is the goal...
Vector is gift in the end, and "Gourd Market" will survive lively❗️
"Gourd Market" will be cradle of spiritual economy.
We can do it with good guys like you❗️
Bad guys, please don't mimic.
If you have any questions or doubts about what I've said so far, please feel free to ask me.
I'll solve all the problems anyway.
I imagine this every day even if people don't care.
If we can't solve the problems here
"Gourd Market" will never be a reality.
Let's put heads together and figure it out however hard it is.
This process will be our fortune.

The point is from what and how we actually start.
I want you to realize that the process is the key❗️
Don't get confused by that foreign and domestic currency things.
The first goal is to get the necessities of life into "Gourd Market."
I want you to think about what you need.
Once we have it, everything is in sight.
Then we go on to balance supply and demand.
Anyway, the first priority is that the people in "Gourd Market" become at ease.
From babies to old people, from birth to funerals.
We have to cooperate to start from what we can do and what we can ask your friends and acquaintances to do in our respective positions❗️

It's very rewarding.
It makes life worth living.
Yes, we will experience the whirlpool of synergies.
And you will realize that this creates unlimited power.
This is the "spiritual economy"❗️
And miracles happen❗️
That's what everyone feels real.
"The energy of realizing" causes the synergies.
This makes reality.
It's an organism called "us".
We've been living selfishly for so long that we've come to realize the limits of growth.
We can't get out of it with the same concepts we had before.
Einstein said.
"You can't solve a problem with the same mindset you had when the problem arose".
Then the only way is to change our mindset.
Selfish energy has created capitalism as we know it today❗️
Can communism create "synergistic energy"? I would say no.
It is impossible, for the human mind for now is selfish anyway.
If those who understand this do not give up, and move toward hope, they will be able to go beyond the personal and selfish mind, and they will choose a synergistic path that will lead them beyond their current selves.
Sooner or later, they will begin to realize.

The selfish world cannot be made over.
And because it can't be, you suffer.
In the end, you shall choose the way only you can survive.
But not for "us".
We will let go of our selfishness and synergize with our self-awareness.
The realizing that comes over us is a joy like we've never felt before❗️
The energy of that joy causes a spark❗️
And then it synergize.
And then miracles happen❗️
Is there nothing to fear❓
We shall find "us" that have reached that level then. 
And we'll know we're ascending quietly at the point.
For now, we can only imagine.
Imagine every detail as real as it can be.
We can break through any obstacle, any harm❗️
Break through❗️
Bring forth❗️Create❗️Exodus❗️
Yes, it's an exodus from the dying Babylon❗️❗️❗️❗️

See also:
- Kengo Yoshida's words on twitter
- Kengo Yoshida's profile.



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